Friday, November 21, 2008

Found on Twitter

My Google Alerts didn't pick this up but Freewheelin was mentioned in an article in the Huffington Post.

And that means a handful of other U.S. cities will be playing catch-up in the next year to roll out their own programs. Denver and Minneapolis-St. Paul have a one-up on other cities such as San Francisco, as Freewheelin' implemented temporary bike sharing in both those cities as a highlight of the Democratic and Republican national conventions this year. Freewheelin' also installed a small-scale bike sharing in Louisville, KY for the Ideafest convention.

Awesome. Thanks Grant Hill.

The full article can be found here:

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Still in the News

Its been a while since the conventions selected their respective nominees and now even the election is over. But freewheelin lives on and people are still buzzing about bikesharing in America. One great example is this post by David at The David Report. Freewheelin hasn't gone away forever though, we're still working with Mayors, University Chancellors, CEOs, and more to bring sustainable bikesharing to the rest of the country. Denver is enjoying their legacy system and we're talking to other cities about installing pilot programs. Updates will continue to flow at, and as we build this movement we welcome your comments and questions. Feel free to email us or comment on these posts and we'll get back to you soon. Subscribe to our twitter page, watch our YouTube videos, and get a feel for what the freewheelin experience is. Until next time.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Vote For Freewheelin

Vote for us as one of We Media's Game changers! Help Bikesharing get the recognition it deserves. Click here and give us five stars, then put your name and email (never ever revealed or shared) and a comment if you'd like, and click submit. Thats it! We're ahead of Twitter right now!!!

Thank you!

UPDATE: This is what they said about us

Bike sharing was a hit when launched in Paris in 2007. It was cheap, convenient and eco-friendly. End of story? Not so fast. A U.S. health insurer changed the game and wrote a new story. Humana promotes its business agenda - lower health care costs - through a state-of-the-art bike sharing program tested during the 2008 U.S. political party conventions in Denver and St. Paul. Freewheelin promotes its social and business agenda through communication - made possible by wireless/mobile and social networking technology. When you ride a Feewheelin bike, wireless networks track your mileage and calories burned. Social networking tools help individuals track their personal successes and, by calculating reduced carbon emmisions, their contributions to the shared health and wellness of their community and the planet.

We have 265 five star ratings, please go to the site and vote for Freewheelin!

Snow Effect