Monday, October 13, 2008

Biking around with a Full Metal Jacket

So maybe the title is a bit misleading, but if you haven’t been diligently following this blog (we have RSS!) you might not have seen the post we put up about the bike ride led by Actor Matthew Modine (of 'Full Metal Jacket' and 'Weeds' fame) at the DNC. Matt Modine is a vocal biking advocate and we captured some great footage of him Freewheelin around on one of our Treks. It was really good to see someone using their celebrity to promote a great cause—biking, health, and environmental preservation.

So today I was cruising around on youtube, looking for clips of Mr. Modine at some sort of speaking engagement so that I could see if I could learn to mimic his voice for an upcoming video I’m making about the story Freewheelin in the world of Web 2.0 (in case you didn’t know, Matt Modine heard about Freewheelin through our facebook page and we used the blog, twitter feed, and facebook wall to promote his guided ride).

Lo and behold, I happened upon a video of him riding around on freewheelin bikes….a video that we didn’t make! I got very excited and wondered why we hadn’t heard about this video before. I wanted to blog right away! When I checked my gmail though, I found that the creator of the video had already emailed us and asked us to blog about it! So without further adieu, here is Matthew Modine in his latest smash hit, “Matthew Modine Bicycle for a Day at DNC.”

PS: The video can also be found on youtube here, where you should comment and rate it:

PPS: While you’re on youtube why not subscribe to our channel

PPPS: While you’re subscribing to things, why not subscribe to our RSS feed, available below on the sidebar. Have a great day!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Future of Freewheelin

Welcome Freewheelin fans, Humana Associates, Bikes Belong Volunteers, and Friends!

It’s been a while since we last posted, but to give you some quick numbers, our Bike Sharing effort at the Idea Festival in Louisville logged over 3,000 miles and 556 individual rides. The Mayor of Louisville and the Governor of Kentucky came out to pledge their support, both morally and financially, to make Louisville more biking friendly. Check out this summary from our own biking expert Tony:

But this isn’t the end of the road for Freewheelin. Bike Sharing is slowly spreading throughout the nation. The next step involves pilot program installations in Minneapolis and Denver. These stations will have a look and feel different from what you saw at the DNC and RNC and they’ll be completely automated. We have some big news coming down the line about the future of bike sharing in America, so stay tuned for details.

The story of freewheelin as you see it on this blog is narrow in scope. To read more about the freewheelin experience from a number of volunteers or to contribute your own stories, check out our flickr discussion board located here:

Snow Effect